Which Pellet Grill Smoker Produces the Most Smoke?

 Pellet grills offer a lot of flexibility and ease of use, so I decided to do a lot of research on this if you can overcome most of the drawbacks. And the best smoke I've found coming from a pellet smoker is from the Traeger line of grills, this Ironwood 885 to be precise:

The reason is that this particular model has a super smoke mode, a Traeger proprietary design that overcomes the absence of smoke from pellet grills operating at very precise temperatures, making the pellets burn cleanly. Super Smoke Mode is not available on all Traeger models, but it is on these 5:

  1. Ironwood 650
  2. Ironwood 885
  3. Timberline 850
  4. Timberline 1300
  5. Silverton 810

I've got a full review of the best Traeger models right here if you want to take a closer look. Also, you can get more smoke or smokier flavor from any type of pellet grill while cooking. I will give some answers to that question later in the article. But first, let's take a look at how a pellet grill works.


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